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Incentive. Mobile Catering. Gourmet Liner.

As a unique mobile event location, Gourmet Liner presents a whole new range of possibilities of designing and organizing your events.
This globally unique restaurant bus is quite impressive with its high-class interior and its inviting lounge atmosphere. The core of the bus is the integrated professional kitchen that caters for your clients, business partners and guests, completely to your taste and independent of a fixed location. Hitherto, event organizers were always bound to a settled location, but now Gourmet Liner offers you an ideal combination of an innovative style of event catering and mobile location – not only throughout Germany, but also all over Europe.
Enjoy a delicious meal with a view onto the most beautiful sites of the capital. For example, how would you like to have an appetizer at the East Side Gallery, the main course right at the Gendarmenmarkt and, as a highlight, a delicious dessert at Brandenburg Gate?
Just get in with your guests and indulge in some classy culinary delights in an extravagant ambiance!